Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Greetings Friends,

“Long time no see.” I am sorry that we have not updated this blog for a while. You know how time flies when you are busy. Well, then our time has been at warp speed. We have hosted three teams since we last communicated. We have put in many village wells and made numerous assessment trips to several countries preparing for future well projects. Not to mention all the activities of daily life in Togo.

WELLS, WELLS, WELLS! So far this year we have had the opportunity to put in ten much needed wells in at least five countries.

Blog 7We had the joy of putting wells in Bonagana-Sada, Kadjale and Mazada, Togo. These three remote villages all had no water source in the village. The people in each village were walking great distances to find water that was unclean and very unhealthy. In Bonagana-Sada the local pastor told us “We walk a long way to drink with the cows.” How tragic. But now, all three villages have a new well near the local church and the people of the entire village have easy access to an unlimited supply of clean, fresh and healthy water. “THANK YOU” to each of you who have given to make these wells a reality. Wells have also become a reality in Camaroon, Senegal, Ghana and even Timbuktu, Mali.

Earlier this year the Africa Oasis Project was approached with the needs of two villages in mid Togo that have Assembly of God primary schools and they desperately needed a well for each school and the Blog 9surrounding villages. As of this writing we have installed one well in Abodjegan and we are currently working on the second well in Dekandje, Togo.

Blog 8ALSO, by the grace of God and many wonderful donors and friends we were able to minister in the villages in other ways as well. Missionary friends Berry and Tracey Brown collaborated with us and provided a tremendous amount of labor and also corn, rice and beans from the Convoy of Hope which they helped distribute in both villages. Blog 1Laté and Minen Lawson, our local colleagues and friends, were such a blessing as we worked together to coordinate and carry out the feeding schemes and so much more. Thanks to a ministry team from Kansas we were able to distribute the grain, notebooks, pens, chalk, cups, BGMC buckets, literature, soap, wash cloths, towels and more to the schools, the students, and their families. It was such a joy to see the smiling faces as they received such blessings as gifts from the Lord.

TEAMS, TEAMS TEAMS! We have the joy of hosting three teams just since our last posting.

Blog 6In July we started with an AIM (Ambassadors in Missions) team from Kansas. This team was made up of six high school and college age ladies and their leaders Pastor Darin and Marleen Stoud. This team worked with us in many locations holding very successful children’s programs. Hundreds of children and adults would gather in each location to receive the gospel message.

Blog 5In August the second team was an exciting group of 12 young adults from Scotch Plains, New Jersey. The group from Evangel Church is called THE WELL. We took them further north in Togo and they had the opportunity to minister in villages where their group has provided the funds for much needed wells. This group performed impactful presentations that will never be forgotten in each location.

Blog 10In October the third group was a mixed ministry team from Kansas that consisted of eight ladies and two men. What wonderful ministry and fellowship they provided. At a local deaf school one of the ladies ministered in sign language and the students and teachers were so excited. The team also worked joyfully under the hot sun as we did distributions in several locations. Children’s and ladies programs and ladies teas were just some of the ministries they shared with us.

KIDS, KIDS, KIDS! Okay, so they are not “kids” anymore, but our son Ryan and our daughter Cristi will always be our “kids”.

Blog 3We were thrilled to host our son Ryan as he came to visit us and see our world and our work. Ryan jumped right in and traveled with us as we went to drilling sights and other places of ministry. He enjoyed being back in Africa. It has been over ten years since Ryan was in Africa and it was great to have him come home.

Blog 12Also we had the joy of hosting our daughter Cristi. She will soon be in Wales as an AGWM missionary, but as she waited for her visa for the United Kingdom she came to spend some time with us here in Africa. Cristi also jumped into ministry as she helped us host two of the teams. We know that God is sending Cristi to Wales, but Mom and Dad could sure offer God a plan B in Africa.☺

Well, this blog entry should catch you up on some of our comings and goings here in West Africa.

Blog 14We are honored to serve as “Water Warriors” and missionaries here in this fascinating and challenging part of the world. Please continue to pray for us as we serve God as representatives of the Africa Oasis Project here in West and Central Africa.

Blog 13

Your missionary servants,

Mark and Vickie

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Light Defeats Darkness in Benin

Voodoo Idol



In the West African Country of Benin the darkness of Voodoo is being defeated by the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Historically, Benin has taken pride in claiming to be the birthplace and the center of the Voodoo religion. But this is a new day in Benin with a national President who is a follower of Jesus Christ and it is a country where Bible believing and Laté, Mensah, Alexander Bible preaching churches are being planted across the country. My colleague Laté Lawson and I went to Dassa-Zoume, Benin for the dedication of an Africa Oasis Project well at the Bible School there. Many gracious thanks and much celebration was given to the Lord for the fresh, plentiful water that now flows on the campus. GradsThis was also a time of celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Bible School and the graduation festivities.


After the big events at the Bible school it was my honor Pastor Mensahto spend three days with Pastor David Mensah, the national President of the Assemblies of God Church in Benin.  Laté and I traveled with Pastor Mensah to see three villages that are each in desperate need of a fresh water well.


Even though the story is repetitive across Africa, the need is just as great in the villages of Warya, Tchamhoum, and Kissamey, Benin. Walking great distances to a watering hole that they share with the cattle. Or buying water that costs one Water pansforth of a day’s wages for just one 20 liter (about 5 gallons) pan of unclean water. Because of the long lines the people are only allowed to come once a day. Believers and non-believers alike need clean, plentiful water and the Africa Oasis Project well is there to service the entire village as a demonstration of the Love of God. Clean and healthy water is a wonderful tool used to fight the darkness and the sickness that is prevalent across Benin.

Time for a haircutYou can help us fight the darkness of Voodoo and disease in three Benin villages by giving financially to help the Africa Oasis Project put in wells near our churches that will meet the need of thousands of people in Benin. Check this blog site to see how you can give.

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded” Luke 12:48

Will you give to help those in need?

Your “Water Bearers”,      

Mark and Vickie

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wells for Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso villageBurkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Dédouton; exotic places with exotic names that are ravaged by heat and lack of rain most of the year. In the West African country of Burkina Faso the people scratch out an existence by subsistence farming.  Donkeys are used to pull a single blade Plowing in Burkina Fasoplow and the rest is done by back breaking work. Burkina Faso is a land in desperate need of clean, plentiful water. Pastor Michel OUEDRAOGO, the President of the Assemblies of God church in Burkina Faso, indicated that the people and the land are thirsty for the water that will give physical life and they are BF boy who needs waterthirsty for the Living Water that will give eternal life. Small children carry containers of water on their heads and walk great distances. It is our desire to put fresh water wells in as many villages in Burkina Faso as possible. Recently the national Assemblies of God leadership of Burkina Faso gave us the names of nine priority villages that are in desperate need of clean water.

You can make a real difference in the lives of real people who  Mark with BF childrenhave real needs for the basic necessity of clean water. The average well in this remote and very special country will cost approximately $11,200. Though the cost is great, the desperate need for clean water is greater. May we give more than a cup of water in the name of Jesus.

If you want to help the Africa Oasis Project, and Mark and Vickie Alexander, put the much needed wells in Burkina Faso please send your contribution to:

Africa Oasis Project, AGWM
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802

Acct. #2258432 (class 88) Burkina Faso

May we partner together as we are…
“Reaching all people by all means”.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Celebrating Five New Wells In Ghana and Togo

“For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground.” Isaiah 44:3

image We have just returned from an exciting trip where we celebrated five new fresh water wells in Ghana and Togo. The trip was long but the rejoicing was great.

In Upper East Ghana we went to the villages of Dabia and Kpalsako. Our friends and missionary colleagues Garret and Kelly Nichols oversaw the two well projects that were paid for by the  Africa Oasis Project. In Dabia they had already dedicated the well but the pastor and congregation expressed their gratitude for the fresh water well. Pastor Moses Delma told of the skin rashes that were afflicting many people in the village. With the clean water the rashes are all gone and they now have fresh, imagehealthy water all the time. In Kpalsako we had the opportunity to be there for the dedication of the well. People from all around the area  came to celebrate the fresh water well. The women sang and danced, the men sang and danced, and the children sang and danced. Many of the women were dressed in their finest celebration attire with bustles of leaves and half gourd hats on their heads. The village elder gave the  Nichols a sheep, four guinea fowl and a bowl of eggs to say thank you. It was 108 degrees and no shade to be found, but no one seemed to mind. It was a great event.

imageWe next went to the villages of Kadjale, Bonagana-Sada and Mazada in the interior of Togo. We installed a pump on a borehole in each of the three villages. This was also an exciting time. You may remember from a previous blog entry that Bonagana-Sada was our first “dry hole”. But not anymore. Another hole was drilled and we hit massive amounts of fresh clean water and now they will have an unending supply of good, healthy water. It was in Bonagana-Sada that the Pastor said “We walk a long way to drink with the cows.” Now they are not walking nearly as far and they are not drinking with the cows. It was in Kadjale that we told you that the women would have to walk a great imagedistance and climb down  into a 20 foot hole and dip filthy, diseased water. But now there is no climbing and they are not walking  great distances. With the new fresh water well they were shouting “akpe-kaka”, which is “thank you very, very much” in the Ewe language. In Mazada they were equally as happy as the new well was finished just behind the church. The chief of the village expressed his thanks that we were able to put in a well that can be used by the entire village and by the school which is just across the street. The school has no imagewater at all, so the well will be a blessing to many people.

What makes these wells so special is the people; the wonderful people in the United States who give so graciously and sacrificially. What a blessing to receive such loving financial gifts. Also the people we work with to make these wells a reality. People like our friends and missionary colleagues Berry and Tracey Brown who worked very hard on each of these well projects. People like Laté and Minen Lawson, our Togolese partners and friends who help us imagewith everything from language and culture issues to installing pumps and more. And also the people who receive these wells, who are always so appreciative and excited to see the first water flow. Vickie and I are truly blessed to be a part of the Africa Oasis Project.

If you want to help “pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground” just contact us at or go to

God Bless You All.

Mark and Vickie

Sunday, April 18, 2010


     On April 14, 2010 we led the caravan into the villagIMG_5238 - Copye of Bonagana-Sada, Togo with joy in our hearts as we came to bring new life to the village in the form of fresh water. We were followed by the three trucks from the drilling company and our missionary colleagues, Berry and Tracey Brown. Much planning and anticipation had gone into this great day. But, after drilling over 80 meters deep it was determined that this was the dreaded “dry hole.” How could this be? We had a geophysical survey done, the best site wasIMG_5260 - Copy chosen to drill, we had powerful equipment arranged and we had prayed for this project. But there was no water. We had worked and waited for hours in temperatures over 100 degrees. Everyone was extremely disappointed  and we felt so bad for the local people that had such high hopes. The local pastor had stated, “We go a long way to drink with the cows”. We really wanted to help these people but all we could do was assure them that we would return later and we would do whatever Is needed to complete a functional well that has a consistent supply of fresh clean water. At this point we must have the faith to stand on Romans 8:28 and believe that truly, “in all things IMG_5280 - CopyGod works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” We are anticipating what God is teaching us in this experience. Please pray with us that when our caravan returns to Bonagana-Sada in the next few weeks that God will be in the lead and that fresh, clean water will flow and that there will be a flood of the Water of Life as well.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Filthy Water, Is It Better Than None At All?

She climbed about ten feet down i159 - Copynto the hole; she        placed her feet on the board that was laid across the bottom of the hole and then she bent at the waist and reached below her feet and dipped the filthy, gray water with a gourd. She poured the water into a bucket and then repeated the process until she had filled the IMG_5125 - Copybucket. She handed the bucket to a woman on another board who then in turn hands the bucket to a woman closer to the top that then climbed to the top and poured the water into one of the waiting pans. The pan with the filthy water was then placed on the head of the women or young girl that carried the water approximately one kilometer to the humble dwelling and it was poIMG_5134 - Copyured into an earthen pot. This process was repeated many times a day, every day in the village of Kadjale, Togo in West Africa. We are currently in the worst of the dry season. This story is repeated all across West Africa. In Kadjale the Africa Oasis Project is helping by putting in a deep fresh water well that will be a constant souIMG_5116 - Copyrce of fresh water for people in the church, the village and the entire area. The fresh water is available to everyone. Last week the geophysical survey was done and the water has been found. The well drilling will start next week. The villages of Bonagana and Mazada, Togo are next in line. Each of these well projects are greatly needed. Fresh, clean water will eliminate at least 80 percent of all the sickness and disease in the village. Unsafe wIMG_5147 - Copyater is the number one killer in the world today. You can make a life-saving difference by helping us bring fresh water and the Living Water of Jesus Christ to people that are in such great need. We thank God for your support and your prayers. Please help us continue to touch lives and hearts with fresh water.  The Africa Oasis IMG_5163 - Copy

Project is working to reach a many people as possible with fresh water and the Water of Life.  You can help by contributing and praying.  Find the donation details on this blog.

Remember, “Water is Life.”

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The PIMG_4848rayer Task Force from Kansas came to Togo with the purpose of lifting up the Togolese people in prayer, and for seven days, that is what they did. They prayed in churches, schools, clinics, orphanages', the inner city, remote villages and many other places. The team of Pastors had the opportunity to speak to ladies meetings, fasting and prayer services, Sunday worship services and Pastor Yancey even spoke on the radio to a potential listening  IMG_4820audience of over one million listeners. We were able to distribute much needed food, buckets, medical supplies, candy and even jars of bubbles. Over 500 pounds of rice was shared along with a great amount of fresh fruit.

Vickie and I really enjoyed hosting this team of wonderful friends and prayer warriors. There was also a wonderful team here in Togo IMG_4838that worked together to make the week a complete success. Several Togolese Pastors contributed greatly to help with the logistics and language issues. People accepted Christ as their Savior and many were ministered to in times of intense prayer. The team also had the opportunity to rejoice as they visited two wells that were put in by the Africa Oasis Project.

DIMG_4858uring this time “OP” (Oasis Project) was introduced. OP is a new friend that will help the Africa Oasis Project report to children in the United States about places and people he meets as he travels to well sites and other ministry venues here in Africa. We want to thank Larry DeTienne, Pam Majors and Kelly Frye  of Evangel Assembly in Wichita, Kansas for helping to bring our friend OP into the world.

Several of the team experienced a bit of “real Togo” by riding a IMG_4884 moto taxi. They also had the opportunity to try Togolese food and they sampled a tremendous amount of Togolese hospitality. Everyone on the team seemed to really enjoy their time in Togo. We sent the team home tired, but hopefully changed and challenged in their hearts for Togo, missions, and for their home churches and communities.

The team from Kansas included Rev. Tim Hammye and Venetta Brown, IMG_4876Burlington, Rev. Ben Coats, Hugoton, Rev. Jake Newman, Kinsley, Rev. Andy Parks, Wichita, Rev. Steve Todd, Colby, Rev. Shirley Wiley, Montezuma, Karen Yancey, Wichita, Terry Yancey, Wichita and Christa Zapfe, Greensburg

We know that the team went to great effort to raise the funds, make the time in their IMG_4860schedules and leave their families for a few days to come to Togo. We truly believe that their prayers and efforts will make a difference in Togo and in their lives as well. I know they have certainly deeply touched our lives.

Mark and Vickie Alexander

Monday, January 25, 2010

We Have Been to the Edge

Today is January 21st and we’re together in a bush hospital near the village of Adefa, Togo…where Mark has been the patient this week. We certainly never imagined that most of this New Year to date would be spent with Mark being sick.

He began to not feel well on January 4th and on January 8th Mark's illness 1-09 009a blood test revealed strong malaria and by then he was very sick. He took two “cures” but still wasn’t feeling good again. We saw a Togolese doctor who did another blood test, which showed him to be malaria free but it revealed a very high level of infection in his body. The infection seemed to be in the lymph nodes in his neck and was contained in a golf ball size lump. He took the prescribed antibiotic for a week but the doctor was baffled because the lump had grown into a softball size lump by then. Mark was becoming sicker each day and was experiencing severe pain.

We heard about the Tsiko Hospital, located about three hours northwest of Lomé, and that there were several American missionary doctors serving there. After making contact, we were told to get Mark there immediately. So, on January 19th he was admitted and an immediate surgical procedure was performed to begin draining the abscess. We are very thankful for Dr. Dave, the surgeon who gives much of his time to serve the sick and dying people of Togo!

Mark's illness 1-09 015Mark is recovering but has been very ill in the process. Because of lack of medical equipment, there is no way to determine exactly why or where the infection began. Most likely, lymph nodes in the neck or a salivary gland became infected and an acute, bacterial infection developed. Having malaria in the process made it impossible for his body to fight it and it became an emergency. While in the hospital, he experienced a severe septic attack where the bacteria entered the blood stream and sent his body into convulsions…quite a scary experience. He has received mega-doses of antibiotics through an IV and the incision on his neck continues to drain the infection.

Through the experiences of the past three weeks, we’ve most certainly felt the prayers of countless friends and we are so thankful for a bush hospital in the middle of Togo with wonderful Christian doctors who have given up their practices in America to come and care for the neediest people one can imagine. This week, Mark has been very needy too, and we thank God for His mercy and His great compassion for all His children.

We’ve smiled through our time here this week and have compiled a few thoughts to describe our stay:

  • You Know You’re In An African Bush Hospital When:
  • You have to bring your own food and water
  • You have to bring your own blanket, pillow, TP, towel and soap
  • The roads are so bad it takes 1 hour to go 15 miles
  • People come to see the white folks sharing their hospital
  • Etc.

It is now Monday, January 25, 2010. Vickie has shared with you some of our early thoughts and feelings. We are now in our home in Lomé and I am recuperating and feeling much better. Just as we were saying our “good-byes” to the doctors they told us that they have had several people who have died from the same problem I had. When I arrived on Tuesday my air passage was beginning to close and if I had waited a day longer I would have had a real emergency. I am glad they waited until I was leaving to let me know this. We now know that I was in a much more serious situation than we thought.

My nurse Vickie will remove the drain from my neck in a couple of days and I am now resting and gaining my strength back. Vickie as been amazing as she has nursed me and taken charge and done everything that needed to be done.

Being “down” for the month of January has taught me that my priorities and plans are not really that important. We had to cancel speaking engagements and water well research trips, but it gave me time to pray and see things a bit differently. I feel God has given us new vision for His ministry.

I CAN NEVER THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH FOR YOUR PRAYERS! We have received hundreds of notes of love and concern from people and churches all over the world telling us of your love and prayers. We truly believe that the prayers of God’s people everywhere have made the difference in saving my life and giving Vickie and I the strength we needed. God Bless you all.

Mark's illness 1-09 022 By the way, on one of my better days I took the opportunity to make a few balloon animals. Then I took my IV stand and shuffled off to the Pediatric ward to share the m with the children. That was fun.

Again, Thanks to you all. We have been to the edge and now we are climbing again.

Your Servants,

Mark and Vickie