The Prayer Task Force from Kansas came to Togo with the purpose of lifting up the Togolese people in prayer, and for seven days, that is what they did. They prayed in churches, schools, clinics, orphanages', the inner city, remote villages and many other places. The team of Pastors had the opportunity to speak to ladies meetings, fasting and prayer services, Sunday worship services and Pastor Yancey even spoke on the radio to a potential listening
audience of over one million listeners. We were able to distribute much needed food, buckets, medical supplies, candy and even jars of bubbles. Over 500 pounds of rice was shared along with a great amount of fresh fruit.
Vickie and I really enjoyed hosting this team of wonderful friends and prayer warriors. There was also a wonderful team here in Togo that worked together to make the week a complete success. Several Togolese Pastors contributed greatly to help with the logistics and language issues. People accepted Christ as their Savior and many were ministered to in times of intense prayer. The team also had the opportunity to rejoice as they visited two wells that were put in by the Africa Oasis Project.
During this time “OP” (Oasis Project) was introduced. OP is a new friend that will help the Africa Oasis Project report to children in the United States about places and people he meets as he travels to well sites and other ministry venues here in Africa. We want to thank Larry DeTienne, Pam Majors and Kelly Frye of Evangel Assembly in Wichita, Kansas for helping to bring our friend OP into the world.
Several of the team experienced a bit of “real Togo” by riding a moto taxi. They also had the opportunity to try Togolese food and they sampled a tremendous amount of Togolese hospitality. Everyone on the team seemed to really enjoy their time in Togo. We sent the team home tired, but hopefully changed and challenged in their hearts for Togo, missions, and for their home churches and communities.
The team from Kansas included Rev. Tim Hammye and Venetta Brown, Burlington, Rev. Ben Coats, Hugoton, Rev. Jake Newman, Kinsley, Rev. Andy Parks, Wichita, Rev. Steve Todd, Colby, Rev. Shirley Wiley, Montezuma, Karen Yancey, Wichita, Terry Yancey, Wichita and Christa Zapfe, Greensburg
We know that the team went to great effort to raise the funds, make the time in their schedules and leave their families for a few days to come to Togo. We truly believe that their prayers and efforts will make a difference in Togo and in their lives as well. I know they have certainly deeply touched our lives.
Mark and Vickie Alexander