In the West African Country of Benin the darkness of Voodoo is being defeated by the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Historically, Benin has taken pride in claiming to be the birthplace and the center of the Voodoo religion. But this is a new day in Benin with a national President who is a follower of Jesus Christ and it is a country where Bible believing and Bible preaching churches are being planted across the country. My colleague Laté Lawson and I went to Dassa-Zoume, Benin for the dedication of an Africa Oasis Project well at the Bible School there. Many gracious thanks and much celebration was given to the Lord for the fresh, plentiful water that now flows on the campus.
This was also a time of celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Bible School and the graduation festivities.
After the big events at the Bible school it was my honor to spend three days with Pastor David Mensah, the national President of the Assemblies of God Church in Benin. Laté and I traveled with Pastor Mensah to see three villages that are each in desperate need of a fresh water well.
Even though the story is repetitive across Africa, the need is just as great in the villages of Warya, Tchamhoum, and Kissamey, Benin. Walking great distances to a watering hole that they share with the cattle. Or buying water that costs one forth of a day’s wages for just one 20 liter (about 5 gallons) pan of unclean water. Because of the long lines the people are only allowed to come once a day. Believers and non-believers alike need clean, plentiful water and the Africa Oasis Project well is there to service the entire village as a demonstration of the Love of God. Clean and healthy water is a wonderful tool used to fight the darkness and the sickness that is prevalent across Benin.
You can help us fight the darkness of Voodoo and disease in three Benin villages by giving financially to help the Africa Oasis Project put in wells near our churches that will meet the need of thousands of people in Benin. Check this blog site to see how you can give.
“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded” Luke 12:48
Will you give to help those in need?
Your “Water Bearers”,
Mark and Vickie