Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Dédouton; exotic places with exotic names that are ravaged by heat and lack of rain most of the year. In the West African country of Burkina Faso the people scratch out an existence by subsistence farming. Donkeys are used to pull a single blade
plow and the rest is done by back breaking work. Burkina Faso is a land in desperate need of clean, plentiful water. Pastor Michel OUEDRAOGO, the President of the Assemblies of God church in Burkina Faso, indicated that the people and the land are thirsty for the water that will give physical life and they are
thirsty for the Living Water that will give eternal life. Small children carry containers of water on their heads and walk great distances. It is our desire to put fresh water wells in as many villages in Burkina Faso as possible. Recently the national Assemblies of God leadership of Burkina Faso gave us the names of nine priority villages that are in desperate need of clean water.
You can make a real difference in the lives of real people who have real needs for the basic necessity of clean water. The average well in this remote and very special country will cost approximately $11,200. Though the cost is great, the desperate need for clean water is greater. May we give more than a cup of water in the name of Jesus.
If you want to help the Africa Oasis Project, and Mark and Vickie Alexander, put the much needed wells in Burkina Faso please send your contribution to:
Africa Oasis Project, AGWM
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802
Acct. #2258432 (class 88) Burkina Faso
May we partner together as we are…
“Reaching all people by all means”.