She climbed about ten feet down into the hole; she placed her feet on the board that was laid across the bottom of the hole and then she bent at the waist and reached below her feet and dipped the filthy, gray water with a gourd. She poured the water into a bucket and then repeated the process until she had filled the
bucket. She handed the bucket to a woman on another board who then in turn hands the bucket to a woman closer to the top that then climbed to the top and poured the water into one of the waiting pans. The pan with the filthy water was then placed on the head of the women or young girl that carried the water approximately one kilometer to the humble dwelling and it was po
ured into an earthen pot. This process was repeated many times a day, every day in the village of Kadjale, Togo in West Africa. We are currently in the worst of the dry season. This story is repeated all across West Africa. In Kadjale the Africa Oasis Project is helping by putting in a deep fresh water well that will be a constant sou
rce of fresh water for people in the church, the village and the entire area. The fresh water is available to everyone. Last week the geophysical survey was done and the water has been found. The well drilling will start next week. The villages of Bonagana and Mazada, Togo are next in line. Each of these well projects are greatly needed. Fresh, clean water will eliminate at least 80 percent of all the sickness and disease in the village. Unsafe w
ater is the number one killer in the world today. You can make a life-saving difference by helping us bring fresh water and the Living Water of Jesus Christ to people that are in such great need. We thank God for your support and your prayers. Please help us continue to touch lives and hearts with fresh water. The Africa Oasis
Project is working to reach a many people as possible with fresh water and the Water of Life. You can help by contributing and praying. Find the donation details on this blog.
Remember, “Water is Life.”