“For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground.” Isaiah 44:3
We have just returned from an exciting trip where we celebrated five new fresh water wells in Ghana and Togo. The trip was long but the rejoicing was great.
In Upper East Ghana we went to the villages of Dabia and Kpalsako. Our friends and missionary colleagues Garret and Kelly Nichols oversaw the two well projects that were paid for by the Africa Oasis Project. In Dabia they had already dedicated the well but the pastor and congregation expressed their gratitude for the fresh water well. Pastor Moses Delma told of the skin rashes that were afflicting many people in the village. With the clean water the rashes are all gone and they now have fresh, healthy water all the time. In Kpalsako we had the opportunity to be there for the dedication of the well. People from all around the area came to celebrate the fresh water well. The women sang and danced, the men sang and danced, and the children sang and danced. Many of the women were dressed in their finest celebration attire with bustles of leaves and half gourd hats on their heads. The village elder gave the Nichols a sheep, four guinea fowl and a bowl of eggs to say thank you. It was 108 degrees and no shade to be found, but no one seemed to mind. It was a great event.
We next went to the villages of Kadjale, Bonagana-Sada and Mazada in the interior of Togo. We installed a pump on a borehole in each of the three villages. This was also an exciting time. You may remember from a previous blog entry that Bonagana-Sada was our first “dry hole”. But not anymore. Another hole was drilled and we hit massive amounts of fresh clean water and now they will have an unending supply of good, healthy water. It was in Bonagana-Sada that the Pastor said “We walk a long way to drink with the cows.” Now they are not walking nearly as far and they are not drinking with the cows. It was in Kadjale that we told you that the women would have to walk a great
distance and climb down into a 20 foot hole and dip filthy, diseased water. But now there is no climbing and they are not walking great distances. With the new fresh water well they were shouting “akpe-kaka”, which is “thank you very, very much” in the Ewe language. In Mazada they were equally as happy as the new well was finished just behind the church. The chief of the village expressed his thanks that we were able to put in a well that can be used by the entire village and by the school which is just across the street. The school has no
water at all, so the well will be a blessing to many people.
What makes these wells so special is the people; the wonderful people in the United States who give so graciously and sacrificially. What a blessing to receive such loving financial gifts. Also the people we work with to make these wells a reality. People like our friends and missionary colleagues Berry and Tracey Brown who worked very hard on each of these well projects. People like Laté and Minen Lawson, our Togolese partners and friends who help us with everything from language and culture issues to installing pumps and more. And also the people who receive these wells, who are always so appreciative and excited to see the first water flow. Vickie and I are truly blessed to be a part of the Africa Oasis Project.
If you want to help “pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground” just contact us at mark.alexander@agmd.org or go to www.africaoasisproject.com.
God Bless You All.
Mark and Vickie