We are so excited that we have been able to provide safe, clean, fresh water for the Institut Biblique et Théologique de Sada, or the Bible School in Atakpame, Togo. The need for clean fresh water was overwhelming. The school was connected to the municipal water supply that was very inconsistent and not safe water. It was also very expensive and they paid each month whether they had water or not. With a new, deep well they will now have an unlimited supply of clean water for the students and their families and the faculty and staff. A local company brought their deep drilling rig which drilled 174 feet down and found good water. Then a 40 foot tower was built and a 1300 gallon tank was installed.
This entire project was paid for by our dear friends at BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge). What a blessing for children across the United States to give for these friends in great need in Atakpame, Togo. How can we say a sufficient “thank you” to all of the boys and girls who have given so sacrificially? We are also distributing 150 “Buddy Buckets” at the dedication of the well.
This is the first of many water projects that are ahead for the Africa Oasis Project. 2009 will be a very busy year with three wells to be drilled in Timbuktu, Mali, Dassa-Zoumé, Benin, in Sierra Leone, Ghana, Burkina Faso and many more.
Please consider helping us as we bring the life giving water and the Water of Life to this region.
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