Tuesday, August 18, 2009


      It has been a pleasure to partner with the well Copy (2) of IMG_3415drilling division of World Hope International in bringing three new wells to the villages of Rogboro, Masuba and Mile 91 in the country of Sierra Leone. Mark spent several days with District Superintendent Pastor Tommy Bangura in the village of Rogboro in late April for the drilling process. The swamp water had dried up during the past 5-6 months of the dry  season so a hole had been dug in the swamp for the water to seep in…and this was the drinking water clip_image003for the village. Because of the new well near Pastor Tommy’s church, the women now come to pump clear, fresh water for their families…and Pastor Tommy continues to share the good news of The Living Water!
On July 4th a brand

well was completed in the town of Mile 91 where Albert Laundeh is the pastor of Peniel Assembly of God. This well is deep enough to have water year round even in the dry season when Copy of IMG_3605other wells go dry. Pastor Albert says that this is an advantage because it will bring many new people into his sphere of influence. He has led many in his village to Christ including many Muslims. Pray that the  "Living Water" will also flow freely as Pastor Laundeh shares the Gospel of Christ with those who come to the well.

Timbuktu Update

     Just a quickTB2 drilling update to let you know that we are rejoicing as fresh water is now flowing in the Sahara Desert outside of Timbuktu, Mali.  Thanks to the Africa Oasis Project and our missionary friend Rick Casswell, we were able to finish the fresh water well project on July 4th, 2009.  Timbuktu waterThe people in the Touareg encampment repeated “merci, merci, merci”, or “thank-you, thank-you, thank-you”.  We also want to say a gracious thank-you as well for all who have given to make this well a reality.