We saw the Fulani women washing their clothes in the muddy puddles left by the overnight rains. “Lord, they need clean, safe, fresh water”, I prayed.
Imagine my surprise when I was told that there was “some kind of form” in a storage container on the back part of the WAAST campus where we live. To some it was just a “thing” that nobody knew what to do with, but to me it was an answer to prayer. I could see many people in remote villages all over west and central Africa getting clean, safe, fresh water for everyday use. Water that will not make them sick. Water that will be safe and healthy. This “thing” is a gift from God. What am I talking about? A steel form to build Biosand Water Filters here in West Africa at WAAST and on location in other surrounding countries. This water filter will process up to 60 liters of water each hour and it is made and operates with all natural elements that can be found anywhere. What a blessing for so many people. Now we must become operational in fabricating and distributing these filters all through the region. YOU CAN HELP! The cost of each filter is about $US40 per unit. Would you consider bringing fresh water to villages across Africa?
Go to https://secure1.ag.org/contributions/detail.cfm?LedgerID=f10ced8c-6d00-4839-a79c-ad7088273146 Under Comments enter "AOP water filters".
Thank you so much for you continued prayers and support.
Mark and Vickie Alexander
Africa Oaisis Project
Missionaries for West & Central Africa